Exercise Your Right to Vote in Washington State!
Super Tuesday 2016 was earlier this week, and while Washington State was not directly involved, media coverage was (and is) extensive. You may be Republican, Democrat, Independent, so something altogether different. I’m not writing to convince you of my position on issues, but simply to ask you to vote.
Love the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare)? Vote to show your support!
Hate the Affordable Care Act? Vote to show your dissatisfaction!
Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.
- George Jean Nathan, US drama critic & editor (1882 - 1958)
So how do you register to vote? It’s easy! You’ve got many options:
Register online to vote
Print out a registration
Go in person to your county elections office
Fill out a voter registration form at any driver’s licensing office while renewing your driver’s license
Click here to register online and for more information: http://www.sos.wa.gov/elections/myvote/olvr.html
What are the deadlines for registering to vote?
Election date August 2, 2016
Online & mail-in deadline July 4, 2016
In-person deadline July 25, 2016
Election date November 8, 2016
Online & mail-in deadline October 10, 2016
In-person deadline October 31, 2016
What are the requirements for registering to vote?
You must be a citizen of the United States
You must be a legal resident of Washington State and at your address for at least 30 days prior to the election
You must be 18 when you vote
If you live outside of Washington State, you retain your residency if:
You work for the military
You are living overseas
You are attending college
How do you vote in Washington?
All voting in Washington is done by mail. Ballots and pamphlets are sent out at least 18 days before the election. Make sure you sign your ballot and have it postmarked no later than Election Day. There are also drop boxes available.
Need more information?
Go to myvote.wa.gov for personalized information – update your mailing address, find out about ballot measures, and look up your elected officials. You can even see a list of the elections that you have voted in.
Make your vote count in 2016!