G is for Guaranteed Issue - What's guaranteed about it?
The Health Care debate continues to rage, even with everything else that is going on in our nation. We are continuing our series on...
F is for Federal Poverty Levels
For better or worse, health insurance has been in the news a lot lately, so we are continuing our series to help you understand different...
E is for Essential Health Benefits
For better or worse, health insurance has been in the news a lot lately, so we are continuing our series to help you understand different...
D is for Deductible
For better or worse, health insurance has been in the news a lot lately, so we are continuing our series to help you understand different...
C is for Copays
For better or worse, health insurance has been in the news a lot lately, so we are continuing our series to help you understand different...
B is for Brand Name Drugs
We continue our series, the A B C's of Health Insurance, with B. B is for Brand Name Drugs Drugs are one of the most costly expenses when...
A B C's of Health Insurance
We are starting a new series that will briefly define a variety of terms you might hear when insurance is being discussed. Today we will...
Spring has Sprung! Where's my Epipen?!
Epipens have been in the news a lot lately, so I thought I'd update folks on how a few of the carriers in Washington state cover EpiPen...
Remember when....Pre-existing Conditions Mattered.
A lot has changed in the last month politically, and it has the potential to radically change health care. The 2017 health insurance open...
Insurance Blues, Part 3: Networks
This is the third post in a series on Health Insurance Basics. Open enrollment begins in less than a week, and many people will be...